
II Webinar sobre as Novas Diretrizes do Portal Único no Processo de Importação

November 01

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-03:00)



Temos o prazer de convidá-los para o nosso segundo Webinar sobre Novas diretrizes do Portal Único no processo de Importação (Free) na Terça-feira, 17/08/2021 às 10:00AM.

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Business in Asia

November 03

9:00am-10:30am (UTC-04:00)


Expeditors is bringing in experts from the hottest markets in Asia to discuss opportunities and challenges that may lie ahead for your business. Our panelists from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and North China are seeking your input on topic suggestions to cover during the event!

Head on over to our brief survey to submit your suggestions:

Register here

Navigating the Southern Border (MA, SE, NE)

November 03

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Thousands of shipments move across the US/Mexico Border every day. Crossing any border is complex, but when you add multiple hand offs and compliance requirements, things have the potential to get bogged down. Hear from our border experts on strategies to streamline your border process as you plan for 2022.
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MW Customs Bond Webinar

November 03

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-06:00)


A Customs Bond is a requirement for companies to import goods into the United States. It ensures the importer will pay the necessary duty and fees for goods cleared through Customs. Now the question is -- do you understand what kind of bond you need, how much your bond should be for exactly or if there is a bond that might benefit you aside from a standard continuous bond? Come learn more with us and get all of these questions answered.

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Brushing Up on the Basics: Imports

November 04

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-07:00)


Please join us for this discussion on the basics of importing into the US. We will cover topics such as air freight in comparison to ocean freight, common logistics terminology, documentation, and insurance and liability implications throughout the life cycle of a shipment.

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Medical Devices Costa Rica´s Next Steps

November 04

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-06:00)



Learn from the experts about the next steps that Costa Rica will take regarding its main export product, medical devices. This round table will allow you to have a comprehensive vision presented by all those involved: Original Equipment Manufacturers, Multinationals, Suppliers, Foreign Direct Investment, Free Trade Zones and the Academy. Free Webinar in Spanish.

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Mercado Aéreo: Actualidad - Tendencia Global y su Impacto en Argentina

November 10

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-03:00)


Junto con nuestros líderes de Producto Aéreo nos gustaría compartir algunas actualizaciones del mercado, cuáles son las tendencias y expectativas para los próximos meses en la industria de la carga aérea.

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Export Compliance 101

November 16

2:00pm-3:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Join Expeditors for an overview of the U.S. export process and regulatory requirements.
Discussion Topics:
  • USPPI vs. FPPI
  • Responsibilities of Parties to Export Transaction
  • Types of Export Transactions
  • Timing of Electronic Export Information Filing
  • Government Agencies that Control Export
  • Penalties
  • Before you Export / Best Practices
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Understanding the 2022 Harmonized System (HTS) Changes for U.S. Imports and Exports

November 17

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-06:00)


The World Customs Organization (WCO) makes significant updates to the Harmonized Schedule every five years. They have published a new series of amendments that will go into effect January 1, 2022, and the changes will have a global impact.

Each country that uses the Harmonized Schedule as the basis for its commodity identification system has to incorporate WCO amendments and adapt them into their respective systems. In the U.S., the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has already published its proposed amendments to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), and we are excited to help you understand how this will impact your business.
Join Expeditors as we:
• Break down the proposed HTS changes
• Illustrate potential impact by industry
• Review tangible action items you can start doing now to prepare

As part of the webinar, you will be provided with an Excel spreadsheet with a conversion chart of current HTS numbers and their potential equivalents.

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Mastering Trade Data

November 17

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


In the complex world of global customs, how you manage your data can be almost as important as the integrity of the data you manage. Expeditors' Canadian customs experts will host this FREE event, outlining how your organization can ensure a data governance structure that is not only compliant, but one that embeds into other functions which your trade data is required for. Data integrity not only allows for a smooth process during audits and third party collaboration, but paves the way for your organization to pivot resources towards development, away from low-value tasks.
Register here