
CARM Transition Webinar - Offering 4

May 01

2:00pm-3:00pm EST


Our Customs experts will walk you through everything you need to know in order to transition your importing process from present day to CARM before the fast-approaching deadline. We are providing four offerings, but please note that you only need to attend one.

The topics that will be covered include: 

  • CARM Client Portal - Delegation of Authority 
  • Bond 
  • 180 day transition period 
  • CBSA blackout period 
  • Largest changes coming 
  • Expeditors' role in validating duties and taxes 
  • SIMA (Special Import Measures Act)
  • OIC Codes 
  • Documents & Data available after CARM R2
Register here

The Importance of Incoterms

May 09

11:00am-12:00pm EST


INCOTERMS are International Commercial Terms that provide a set of rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used terms in foreign trade.

Throughout this webinar, David Stiles will further educate the audience on INCOTERMS:

  • What they are
  • How to use them
  • How not to use them
  • How they can impact Supply Chain risks and responsibilities.

Don't miss the chance to learn some practical tips and solutions!

Register here

Ocean Market Disruptors: What to Expect in H2 2024

May 21

11:00am-12:00pm EST


From the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse tragedy to the impending ILA/USMX contract negotiations and the ongoing Suez Canal conflict, ocean market conditions remain fluid and disrupted. Join a panel of Expeditors Ocean experts to review and discuss how to navigate the second half of 2024.

Topics to be discussed include:

- Market Dynamics and Conditions
- ILA / USMX Labor Contract Negotiations
- Port of Baltimore Incident Impacts
- Red Sea / Panama Canal Conditions

Register here

Incoterms 101 – The Basics, Importance & Just what are they?

May 22

10:00am-11:00am PST


Incoterms 101 – The Basics, Importance & Just what are they?

What You'll Learn:

-What are Incoterms?
-What are they not designed to do?
-Breakdown of Incoterms

Get a better idea on understanding the ownership and risks associated with each term and how selecting them impacts the flow of your goods.

Register here

U.S Air Market Update Webinar

May 29

8:00am-9:00am PST


Join Expeditors as Americas product leaders provide an overview of the US Air Market. We will discuss global market demand and capacity, Expeditors capacity, USA market exports and imports, and more, with time allotted for a Q&A session.

Register here