US Enforcement of Forced Labor Imports

US Enforcement of Forced Labor Imports

July 13

11:00am-12:30pm (UTC-05:00)


Please join our webinar on Forced Labor and the actions being taken by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to address the presence of forced labor in global supply chains. CBP is taking the lead US government role to ensure that goods produced by forced labor do not enter US commerce. The government’s focus on forced labor enforcement has caused, and will continue to cause, significant impact to many US importers. Our goal with this webinar is to provide the most current information related to this enforcement initiative. The webinar will focus on the following areas:
• Overview of forced labor
• US Statutes prohibiting forced labor and government agency actions in accordance with those statutes
• Recent US CBP statistics related to forced labor enforcement
• Examples of US CBP actions on shipments suspected of involving forced labor
• What importers can do
• Resources to support forced labor awareness and compliance protocols
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