Having an effective Export Compliance Program helps companies minimize risks of violating the EAR and streamline their export operations.
It is vital that companies conduct assessments to:
• Identify risks in their operations
• Determine effectiveness of their policies and procedures
• Evaluate their regulatory compliance posture
In this session, we will review the key elements of a corporate-wide assessment to identify gaps in your export compliance program.
History of enhanced Export Controls enforcement:
The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) became acutely aware of vulnerabilities in export control programs following the terrorist events of September 11, 2001. As a result, BIS has committed significant funding and resources to amend and introduce new regulations, as well as increase enforcement activities.
In 2023, the Office of Export Enforcement launched the Disruptive Technology Strike Force with the Department of Justice to protect U.S. advanced technologies from illegal acquisition and use by nation-state adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran. The force also took enforcement action against significant national security threats, including the highest number ever of convictions, Temporary Denial Orders, and post-conviction denial orders; and strengthened enforcement policies to help keep the most critical U.S. technology out of the most dangerous hands.
The Department of Commerce and the Justice Department have publicly stated that "There are going to have to be some penalties that get everyone's attention," and that there will be more aggressive enforcement of export controls and sanctions for national security.
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