
Keeping Pace: Managing Your CAPEX

August 09

8:00am-9:00am (UTC-05:00)


Please join us for a webinar August 9th, 2022, for a comprehensive look at Expeditors’ solution offering to the movement of your CAPEX equipment. Over the next few years, there will be a tremendous amount of investment in building infrastructure to support the dynamic growth of the EV segment in the Automotive & Mobility sector. Announcements have been made related to the building of new or refurbished facilities to accommodate EV manufacturing capacity, manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries, investment in semiconductor plants, charging equipment, etc. The Americas region must step up in lockstep with the growth of the industry, and investment in infrastructure has never been more explosive.
This Expeditors webinar will review the following:
  • Industry developments
  • Provide an overview of the level of infrastructure that is needed
  • Highlight the capacity and capabilities of our Project & Energy Services team
Register here

Order Management: Mejora la Productividad y Eficiencia de tu Cadena Logística

August 09

10:00am-11:30am (UTC-05:00)



Conoce mas sobre las diferentes soluciones que podemos ajustarla a sus necesidades, el alcance de Order Management en Expeditors y sus funcionalidades en nuestro webinar “Mejora la productividad y eficiencia de tu cadena logística”. Brinde a su empresa soluciones que lo ayude en la mejora de sus procesos, disciplinando la cadena logística con reducción de costos, aumento de ventas y mayores oportunidades comerciales.


Atualização do Mercado Marítimo

August 10

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-02:00)



Abordaremos neste webinar as atualizações do Mercado Marítimo e seus impactos no Brasil. 

Se cadastrar

Americas Ocean Market Update Webinar

August 16

8:00am-9:00am (UTC-07:00)


Please join Expeditors’ Americas Ocean Product Leaders for an Ocean Market Update Webinar.
Topics to be discussed include:
• Capacity
• Demand
• Carrier Update
• Outside Factors
• Q4 Outlook
Register here

Solving Southern Border Supply Chain Challenges

August 18

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


We'll discuss Northern and Southern border operations, regulations and processes. Join our regional experts to learn more about how to manage your operations traversing North America. Topics of discussion will include market changes that might impact your ability to efficiently move shipments across the border. Ranging from economic (demand fluctuations, driver availability, fuel prices, etc.) to regulatory (USMCA, Complemento Carta Porte, Aviso de Cruce, etc.).

Register here

US Domestic Market Update Webinar

August 23

8:00am-9:00am (UTC-07:00)


Join Expeditors' Americas Domestic Product Leaders for a US Domestic Market Update.
Topics to be discussed include:
• Domestic Air Market
• US Domestic Ground
• Mexico/SB
• Canada
• Q4 Outlook
Register here

How to Save Duty by Using Chapter 98 HTS Classifications

August 24

8:00am-9:00am (UTC-07:00)


Please join our webinar as we discuss common Chapter 98 HTS numbers that can be used by your company to save on duty. Usage of Chapter 98 HTS numbers can be tricky to navigate so we will highlight how to use them correctly, common importer challenges, and the documentation needed to make a compliant claim.
The webinar will focus on these areas:
• Appropriate usage of these select Chapter 98 numbers: o 9801 – Articles exported and returned, not advanced or improved in condition o 9802 – Articles exported and returned, advanced or improved abroad o 9803 – Substantial containers or holders o 9813 – Articles admitted temporarily free of duty under bond (TIB) o 9811/9817.85 – Samples and prototypes
• Necessary documentation required to utilize these Chapter 98 HTS numbers
• Trends that Expeditors sees by industry for Chapter 98 usage
Register here

Technology & Digital Solutions for the Supply Chain LATAM

August 24

3:00pm-4:00pm (UTC-02:00)


Join us to talk about current technologies and digital solutions available for the supply chain industry, such as platforms, IoT services, and Digital Twin.

Register here

Northeast Market Update

August 25

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Join Expeditors' local product leaders in Air, Ocean, and Domestic transportation for a monthly market update webinar specific to the Northeast region.

• Air Market Update
• Ocean Market Update
• Domestic Market Update
• Q&A

Register here