
II Webinar sobre as Novas Diretrizes do Portal Único no Processo de Importação

August 17

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-03:00)



Temos o prazer de convidá-los para o nosso segundo Webinar sobre Novas diretrizes do Portal Único no processo de Importação (Free) na Terça-feira, 17/08/2021 às 10:00AM.

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Customs Bonds 101

August 17

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


A Customs Bond is a requirement to import good into the United States. It ensures the principle (importer) will pay the necessary duty and fees for goods cleared through Customs. Do you understand though what kind of bond you need, how much your bond should be for or if there is a bond that might benefit you aside from a standard importer bond? Come learn more with us!

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MW Export Compliance 101

August 18

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-06:00)


Join us for an overview of the U.S. export process and regulatory requirements. Discussion Topics: • USPPI vs. FPPI • Responsibilities of Parties to Export Transaction • Types of Export Transactions • Timing of Electronic Export Information Filing • Government Agencies that Control Export • Penalties • Before you Export / Best Practices

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Schedules A, B & Classification Resources

August 18

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-06:00)


Please join us for a one hour webinar featuring Expeditors Trade Compliance leaders, where we will be discussing the ins and outs of Schedules A & B, and reviewing multiple available resources for appropriate classification and how to use them. We hope to see you there!

Register here