
Incoterms 2020® Webinar

January 11

10:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Understanding Incoterms is vital to importers, exporters, and service providers. Join us for a free webinar as we discuss the importance of understanding which Incoterms are best for your company, who is responsible for insurance, and when risk and cost is transferred from the seller to the buyer.

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January 11

10:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Learn how The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Incoterms 2020® impact your supply chain. You'll also discover what each of the terms mean for your company's shipping responsibilities, as far as cost and risk are concerned.
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Planning your Supply Chain Webinar

January 12

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Disruptions in global supply chains have quickly moved from the exception to the norm. Organizations find themselves trying to understand the impact to their company and their customers. Unplanned events such as pandemic-induced shutdowns, extreme weather events, labor and equipment shortages contribute to the unpredictability we have and will continue to experience. As we head into 2022, join us for a discussion about the challenges the new year may bring and how to strategically prepare for them.

Topics include:

  • Market conditions and the impact to your organization
  • Best practices to align expectations, understanding, and communication across strategic functional groups
  • Best practices to mitigate impacts to your supply chain
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Planning Your Supply Chain for 2022 and Beyond

January 13

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Disruptions in global supply chains have quickly moved from the exception to the norm. Organizations find themselves trying to understand the impact to their company and their customers. Unplanned events such as pandemic-induced shutdowns, extreme weather events, labor and equipment shortages contribute to the unpredictability we have and will continue to experience. As we head into 2022, join us for a discussion about the challenges the new year may bring and how to strategically prepare for them.

Topics include:

  • Market conditions and the impact to your organization
  • Best practices to align expectations, understanding, and communication across strategic functional groups
  • Best practices to mitigate impacts to your supply chain
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The Digital Solutions Series: Carrier Allocation

January 19

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-05:00)


As the global ocean market struggles to regain stability over container shipping after pandemic related disruptions, international shippers are left struggling to secure capacity with their contracted carriers. The additional strain on global supply chains has revealed points of failure and inefficiencies creating an opportunity for improvement and optimization. Join Expeditors as we discuss our digital solution to ocean forecasting & allocation! 

  • Broadly review current market conditions
  • Moving from analog to SMART Planning
  • Leveraging data to identify trends and make informed decisions
  • Reserved time dedicated to open Q & A
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A Conversation about INCOTERMS!

January 19

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


INCOTERMS are International Commercial Terms that provide a set of rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used terms in foreign trade. Throughout this webinar, David Stiles will further educate the audience on INCOTERMS: what they are, how to use them, how not to use them, and how they can impact Supply Chain risks and responsibilities. Don't miss the chance to gain some practical tips and solutions!
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Northeast Market Update: Air, Ocean & Domestic

January 20

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Join Expeditors' Northeast region product leaders for an air, ocean, and domestic transportation market update, with time allotted for a Q&A session. This webinar is specifically focused on the Northeast region and will discuss carrier capacity, fuel, local market conditions and more.
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Actualización del Mercado Marítimo y su Impacto en Chile

January 26

10:00am-11:00am (UTC+03:00)


Junto con nuestros Líderes de Producto Marítimo nos gustaría compartir algunas actualizaciones del mercado, cuáles son las tendencias y expectativas para 2022 en la industria de la carga marítima.

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Anti Dumping & Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) Webinar

January 26

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-06:00)


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) considers the area of Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) a priority trade issue. Priority trade issues are those CBP considers high-risk, and pose a potential threat to the US in some way. With higher risk comes higher enforcement, so having an understanding of AD/CVD is extremely important for importers in order to avoid inadvertent errors.

If you are new to the industry or would like a refresher, join Expeditors as we review some of the basics of AD/CVD, including:
• What anti-dumping and countervailing duties are, and why they exist
• How an investigation is initiated
• How to determine if AD/CVD applies to an imported item

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Duty Mitigation and Recovery

January 26

11:00am-12:00pm (UTC-05:00)


Many items imported into Canada are subject to import duty and GST. Most importers accept this as a cost of doing business in Canada and do not know that there are many different legal methods to recover the duty paid. Join our webinar to learn more about duty mitigation and recovery, and the opportunity for importers to have their future imports free of duty!
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IncoTerms 2020

January 27

10:00am-11:00am (UTC-08:00)


Importers, exporters and service providers all need to know their terms of sale and liabilities. Join us for this free, 60 minute webinar as we discuss the importance of understanding which Incoterms are best for your business, who is responsible for insurance, and when risk and cost is transferred from the seller to the buyer. What You’ll Learn In This Webinar: What are Incoterms? Where do they help and what are they not designed to do? What defines each term? What changed from Incoterms 2010?
Register here

Navigating the New Customs Environment

January 27

10:00am-11:00am (UTC+00:00)


Custom changes for UK import and export in 2022 – how are they impacting your business? Join Expeditors as we:

• Present a summary of the new trading regulations effective as from January 1st.

• Discuss Direct vs. Indirect representation, and best practices for importers and exporters on DDP terms.

• Discuss temporary imports into the UK and procedures to reclaim VAT and Duty.

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